„News in the diagnosis and treatment in diagnosis oand treatment of the diseases of pulmonary circulation“
December 22,2014, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„Chronic Obstrtuctive Pulmonary Disease - can we do more“,
Celebration of the World COPD Day 2014
November 19, 2014, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„News in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections“
June 13 and 14, 2014, Dojran, Thematic meeting
„Asbestos associated diseases“
December 18, 2013, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„Implementation of CAT (COPDAssesment test) in everyday clinical practice“
Celebration of the World COPD Day 2013
October 30.2013, Skopje, Workshop
„Many faces of COPD“
March 20-23,2013, Ohrid Thematic symposium
„Managеment of pulmonary thrombembolism“
March 01-03.2013, Dojran, Thematic meeting
„ Occupational diseases of the lungs“
November 01, 2011, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„ World Asthma Day - Reality and Perspectives “
Celebration of the World Asthma Day 2011,
May 05.2011, Скопје, Thematic meeting
„ Lower respiratory tract infections“
April 08.2011, Dojran, Thematic meeting
„ Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea“
February 16.2011, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„ Rational empiric antimicrobial treatent of acute respiratory infections“
2011, Republic of Macedonia, Workshop
“ COPD - global socio-economic problem“
Celebration of the World COPD Day 2010
November 17.2010, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„ Asthma - epidemics of the twentieth century“
June 11.2010, Skopje, Thematic meeting
„ Application of oxygentherapy"
Apriil 18.2010, Dojran, Thematic meeting